Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall Gift ideas

Fall is in the air and we have been sourcing new products and designing great new baskets for this great season. Our Fall Harvest basket is filled with season favorites like caramel apple snack mix, cider, cranberry cheddar cheese, crackers, choclates and more. We are always open to suggestions for new products and designs. See us at

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reducing our carbon footprint

I was listening to NPR on the way to work today. They were talking about how bicycle messenger are struggling to stay in business since many companies were accepting form via the internet. Now that is a scary thought? The piece went on to tell about a messenger company that has started using a large heavy duty bike to deliver groceries to customers. Here at Baskets by Rita we have been delivering baskets by bike for a few years now. I must stress that not all of the time but when we can we do. This is one of the many ways that we are striving to lower or carbon footprint here. Our eco-friendly gift bags are really taking off. Our clients are ordering them to go to hotel guests, as a birthday gift with beer or even a welcome gift to a new employee.

At Baskets by Rita, we’ve made a commitment to be as green as we can. Our effort can only work if our customers are committed as well.

When considering your next gift remember to think green. Your recepient will love you for it.